Thanks for visiting my blog which is all about my coastal walk round Islay in aid of the Marine Conservation Society.

I have now completed my walk but you can still sponsor me by visiting my online sponsor page :

Tuesday, 31 July 2007

The Big Strand

The Big Strand looking north, 30th July 2007
I had done a few bits of this stretch in the past, but decided just to do it all in a oner again. Somehow I felt that would mean I hadn't missed any bits out! But I didn't want to do it on my own as I considered it to be one of the less interesting parts of the coastline, as well as one of the easiest. So Fraya accompanied me, meeting me at the Machrie after her shift at the hotel. There were lots of jellyfish and a starfish on the way - and two kites (not the avian sort) and a beautiful male Hen Harrier in the dunes at Laggan, where Ray was kindly waiting for us with the car.

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